Workplace Health and Safety DVDs and Video Content
Cuts and Bleeding
There are numerous injuries that can occur in the workplace and amongst the most common are Cuts and Bleeding. These can range from small scratches through to serious cuts, embedded objects, amputations and injuries that can lead to internal bleeding.
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Many bleeding incidents are not severe and can be treated with simple first-aid and the body’s own ability to clot. Some are more serious and require urgent action. Serious bleeding that is not stopped quickly is life threatening.
This program covers:
The Composition of Blood
A Definition of Blood Vessels
The Effects of Bleeding on the Body
External Bleeding
The Treatment of Minor Wounds
The Treatment of Major Wounds
Internal Bleeding
The objective of this program is to highlight the major hazard areas associated with Cuts and Bleeding and by so doing, increase awareness of the standards for worker responsibility in observing and being active in daily safety procedures.
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Cuts and Bleeding
There are numerous injuries that can occur in the workplace and amongst the most common are Cuts and Bleeding. These can range from small scratches through to serious cuts, embedded objects, amputations and injuries that can lead to internal bleeding.
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If you need to train with this video, please contact us at and we will organise access to a digital version for you ASAP.
Many bleeding incidents are not severe and can be treated with simple first-aid and the body’s own ability to clot. Some are more serious and require urgent action. Serious bleeding that is not stopped quickly is life threatening.
This program covers:
The objective of this program is to highlight the major hazard areas associated with Cuts and Bleeding and by so doing, increase awareness of the standards for worker responsibility in observing and being active in daily safety procedures.