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Recognition, Evaluation, and Control of Hazards
The control of hazards is a fundamental principle behind any occupational health and safety program. However, before hazards can be controlled, they must be identified or recognized, and then evaluated to determine the level of risk that they present. This process is known as the Recognition, Evaluation and Control of Hazards.
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Hazards are present in all workplaces, and can lead to injuries, short and long-term illnesses and diseases, and sometimes even death.
Lost productivity, increased costs and, most importantly, human suffering, are three good reasons why it is vitally important to control hazards in the workplace.
The objectives of this program are to bring about:
Through improving the participants’ awareness of exactly what Recognition, Evaluation and Control of Hazards means to the individual and the organization, and how it can improve workplace safety, the Recognition, Evaluation and Control of Hazards process can be conducted to best effect.
RUNNING TIME: 13 minutes