Safe work practices when working with equipment and machinery.
Advances in technology, safety standards and risk management have all contributed to increasingly effective guards being used in the workplace today, but despite all these advances, horrific accidents still occur.
When guards are not in place or when guards are not used correctly, people can be pulled into machines, have limbs amputated and body parts crushed.
It is therefore critical that we are aware of and understand the elements covered in this program. This will help all workplace personnel to avoid accidents and injuries when working with equipment and machinery.
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Machine Guards
Accidents resulting from inadequate equipment and machine guarding cause some of the most traumatic injuries in the workplace today.
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This program covers the following:
Advances in technology, safety standards and risk management have all contributed to increasingly effective guards being used in the workplace today, but despite all these advances, horrific accidents still occur.
When guards are not in place or when guards are not used correctly, people can be pulled into machines, have limbs amputated and body parts crushed.
It is therefore critical that we are aware of and understand the elements covered in this program. This will help all workplace personnel to avoid accidents and injuries when working with equipment and machinery.
RUNNING TIME: 15 Minutes